
访客| 2024-03-26 12:03:08
03月25日讯 姆巴佩据报道将在赛季结束离开巴黎,皇马则是最大热门下家,TA撰文跟进报道。TA表示,在皇马知情的情况下,姆巴佩于2月通知巴黎圣日耳曼,他将在本赛季结束后合同到期时离开俱乐部。同一天,

03月25日讯 姆巴佩据报道将在赛季结束离开巴黎,皇马则是最大热门下家,TA撰文跟进报道。




But PSG sources explained they expected Mbappe to respect an understanding to compensate them for his exit.


They also said the club expects to receive part of the signing bonus that Mbappe will get from his new team, which everyone at PSG believes will be Real Madrid.

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